The stress intensity factor (SIF) is the major fracture mechanics parameter in LEFM concept. Since the SIF can be used for not only calculation of J-integral based on the GE/EPRI and reference stress method but also evaluation of fatigue crack growth, an accurate estimation of the SIF is an important issue for the piping in nuclear power plant. Recently, there is a need to develop the SIF solution which can cover wide geometric variables since there are on-going efforts that are developing next generation reactors in Korea, which is designed to thin-walled structures. For the through-wall cracked straight pipes, many researchers have proposed the SIF solutions which can cover wide range of wall thickness. However, since only limited solutions have been proposed yet for the through-wall cracked elbows, a research related to the SIF estimation for the elbows with wide geometric variables should be performed. In this study, the extended SIF solution for circumferential through-wall cracked elbows subjected to in-plane bending is proposed as the tabulated form through the finite element (FE) analyses. Wide elbow geometries are selected to range between 5 and 50 of Rm/t and range between 2∼20 of Rb/Rm. The existing solutions are then reviewed by comparing with the FE results. Furthermore, effects of geometric variables on the SIF are addressed through systematic investigation of FE based SIF results. These investigated results are expected to contribute to the development of closed form solution for the circumferential through-wall cracked elbows subjected to in-plane bending.

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