Creep strain equations of Grade 92 steel which is used in boilers and piping systems of ultra-supercritical (USC) thermal power plants were developed based on the results of creep tests on smooth round bar specimens of three kinds of Grade 92 steels. In these equations, primary creep behavior was represented by a power-law and tertiary creep behavior was described by an exponential function. Creep parameters were determined as a function of creep rupture times which were calculated from stress and absolute temperature. Additionally, generalized creep failure criteria considering the multiaxial stress were established on the basis of results of creep tests on circumferentially notched round bar specimens. These creep strain equations and creep failure criteria were incorporated into finite element analysis software. Then, creep failure analyses were carried out and the resulting deformation behavior and rupture times were compared with the experimental results. Creep rupture lives were predicted with a good accuracy, within a factor of two in most cases.

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