9Cr-1Mo-V steels (Gr. 91), which has an excellent performance at high temperature in mechanical properties and hydrogen resistance, has been used for tubing and piping materials in power industries and it can be a candidate material for high pressure vessels for high temperature processes in refining industries. The current Section VIII Division 2 of ASME code does not permit method A of paragraph to be used for the exemption from fatigue analysis for Gr. 91 steels due to limitation of specified minimum tensile strength (585 MPa > 552 MPa). Method B of paragraph also can’t be used because it requires the use of the fatigue curve which is limited to 371 °C lower than the needed temperature. Therefore new rules for fatigue evaluation of Gr. 91 steels at temperatures greater than 371 °C and less than 500 °C similar to CC 2605 for 2.25Cr-1Mo-0.25V(Gr. 22V) steels are necessary. This paper provides fatigue test results at 500 °C for Gr. 91 steels, the modification of CC 2605, sample inelastic analysis results for nozzles. Then, the new Code Case for Gr. 91 steels is proposed from these results.

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