A circular disc containing a partial ring weld has been devised to permit high levels of residual stress to be created in a relatively small specimen. The purpose of this research is to investigate the residual stress within the weld whilst developing a residual stress measurement method called the over-coring deep hole drilling (oDHD) method. The welding simulation, incremental deep hole drilling (iDHD) simulation and measurement and neutron diffraction were previously studied and reported in [1]. In this paper, the welding simulation results were mapped into a 3D model that included the necessary mesh and boundary conditions to simulate the process of residual measurement using the oDHD method. An experimental programme of residual stress measurement using the oDHD method was then conducted on a welded circular disc. The results from the oDHD simulation and measurement matched well with previous iDHD simulations on the original stress field in the ring weld, which also matched earlier neutron diffraction results.

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