The current paper presents a finite element analysis of an eight-pass groove weld in a 316L austenitic stainless steel plate. A dedicated welding heat source modelling tool was employed to produce volumetric body power density data for each weld pass, thus simulating weld-induced thermal loads. Thermocouple measurements and cross-weld macrographs taken from a weld specimen were used for heat source calibration. A mechanical finite element analysis was then conducted, using the calibrated thermal loads and a Lemaitre-Chaboche mixed work-hardening model. The predicted post-weld residual stresses were validated using contour method measurements: good agreement between measured and simulated residual stress fields was observed. A sensitivity analysis was also conducted to identify the boundary conditions that best represent a tack-welded I-beam support, which was present on the specimen back-face during the welding.

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