This paper proposes an analysis method for Section III, Division 1, Class 3 buried High Density polyethylene (HDPE) piping system in the nuclear power plants (NPP). Although HDPE pipe would yield at high temperature (limited to 140°F), it may be suitable for the areas prone to earthquakes; owing to its comparable ductility and flexibility. Thus, the buried HDPE piping may be applicable for the safety related Essential Service Water (ESW) system in the NPPs. Despite some limitations to buried HDPE piping, the piping could be designed based on ASME Code Case [1]. Generally, codes and standards including ASME Code Case [1] do not provide load combinations for the design of both buried steel piping and HDPE piping. Meanwhile, EPRI Report [4] provides load combinations including thermal expansion effects and seismic loads with detailed seismic criteria for polyethylene pipe. In this paper, load cases and load combinations for buried HDPE piping are suggested for implementation of reference documents and a buried HDPE piping system is analyzed referring to EPRI Report [4] to evaluate stress, force, and moment using a piping stress analysis program. Additionally, this paper will recommend the design procedure in accordance with ASME Code Case [1] using an example of buried HDPE piping analysis. An investigation of soil spring coefficients and the design considerations for hydrostatic tests are suggested for the enhanced analysis of buried HDPE piping.

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