An innovative time integration method that incorporates spurious high-frequency dissipation capability into the so called “high precision direct integration algorithm” is presented, and its numerical stability and accuracy is discussed. The integration algorithm is named “high precision” to emphasize its numerical capability in reaching computer hardware precision. The proposed procedure employs the well-known state space approach to solve the simultaneous ordinary differential equations, the exact solution of which contains an exponential matrix to be efficiently computed using the truncated Taylor series expansion together with the power-of-two algorithm. The proposed method, belonging to the category of explicit methods, is found to provide better accuracy than many other existing time integration methods, and the integration scheme remains numerically stable over a wide range of frequencies of engineering interest. This paper is also devoted to study numerical accuracy of the Precise Integration Method in solving forced vibration problems, particularly near resonance conditions. The numerically obtained transfer functions are then compared with the analytical exact solution to detect spurious resonance. Finally, numerical examples are used to illustrate its high performance in numerical stability and accuracy. The proposed method carries the merit that can be directly applied to solve momentum equations of motion with exactly the same procedure.
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ASME 2013 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference
July 14–18, 2013
Paris, France
Conference Sponsors:
- Pressure Vessels and Piping Division
- Nondestructive Evaluation Engineering Division
An Innovative Precise Integration Method in Solving Structural Dynamic Problems
Chiun-lin Wu,
Chiun-lin Wu
National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan
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Ching-Chiang Chuang
Ching-Chiang Chuang
Chung Yuan Christian University, Chungli, Taoyuan, Taiwan
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Chiun-lin Wu
National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan
Ching-Chiang Chuang
Chung Yuan Christian University, Chungli, Taoyuan, Taiwan
Paper No:
PVP2013-97917, V002T02A008; 10 pages
Published Online:
January 17, 2014
Wu, C, & Chuang, C. "An Innovative Precise Integration Method in Solving Structural Dynamic Problems." Proceedings of the ASME 2013 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. Volume 2: Computer Technology and Bolted Joints. Paris, France. July 14–18, 2013. V002T02A008. ASME.
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