Given the limitation of existing inspection technology and the severity of corrosion in tank floor, a double-layer structure of oil storage tank was proposed in this paper. It was verified that the reliability of the calculated values based on the comparison between stress test values and calculated ones. Then, the numerical simulation method was put forward to research the stress distribution and deformation of tank floor under six different support schemes. Generally considering the strength and the stiffness of tank floor, the weight of the support structure and the ease of manufacture, an optimizing design of the support structure was adopted. Furtherly, the influencing rule of leak positions and volume of leak (Q) on the leakage diffusion was studied by using 93# gasoline. The results show that for the same amount of leakage, the leakage on the center of tank floor diffused quickly, was the most easily detected part, and the edge of the tank floor was the most difficult to be detected. For leakage occurred in same position, the volume fraction (φ) in pipeline increased with the increase of leakage.

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