Constitutive models are an integral part of a lifing system because it allows for accurate estimation of stresses and strains at failure locations of interest. Constitutive models can be properly defined in a material subroutine of a finite element code. The computational capabilities of today are far higher, allowing for more comprehensive models that can provide more accurate results. Macroscopic models that are physically based, phenomenological models characterize the material behavior on a larger scale that provides invaluable insights even at such length scales which are compatible for industrial application. A unified viscoplastic model based on nonlinear kinematic hardening (Chaboche type) with several added features such as nonproportionality, multiaxiality, strain range dependence, and thermal recovery is being implemented in ANSYS through the User Programmable Features. The simulation capability of the model will be experimentally validated on a nickel based superalloy, HA230. The experimental database encompasses a broad set of low cycle fatigue, symmetric, uniaxial strain-controlled loading histories which include isothermal with and without hold times, with and without a mean strain, at temperatures ranging from 75°F to 1800°F. Simulations from the modified model compared to the experimental responses will be presented to demonstrate the strengths and weaknesses.

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