Structural integrity assessments of structures containing defects require valid fracture toughness properties as defined in national and international test standards. However, for some materials and component geometries, the development of valid toughness values — particularly for ductile fracture — is difficult since sufficiently large specimens cannot be machined. As a consequence, the validity of fracture toughness properties is limited by the development of plasticity ahead of the crack tip and the deviation of crack tip conditions at failure from small scale yielding. This paper described the use of local approach models, calibrated against invalid test data, to define initiation toughness in 304 stainless steel pipe material. Three fracture toughness geometries were tested, shallow cracked single edge cracked specimens tested under three point bending, deep cracked single edge cracked specimens tested under three point bending, and deep cracked single edge cracked specimen tested under tension. Initiation toughness and J-Resistance curves were defined for each specimen using the multi-specimen technique. All initiation toughness values measured were above the specimen validity limits. The fracture conditions at initiation were analysed using three local approach models: the Generalised Rice & Tracey, High Constraint Rice & Tracey and the Work of Fracture. The adequacy of local approaches to define the fracture conditions under large strains in 304 stainless steels was demonstrated. A modified boundary layer analysis combined with the local approach models was used to predict the “valid” initiation toughness under small scale yielding condition in this material by defining a J-Q fracture locus. The analytically derived fracture locus was compared to the J-Q values obtained experimentally and shown to be consistent.

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