In 2012, AFCEN (Association Française pour les règles de Conception et de Construction des Matériels des Chaudières Electro-nucléaires) will publish the fifth edition of the RCC-MR code, named RCC-MRx 2012. This RCC-MRx Code is the result of the merger of the RCC-MX 2008 developed in the context of the research reactor Jules Horowitz Reactor project, in the RCC-MR 2007 which set up rules applicable to the design of components operating at high temperature and to the Vacuum Vessel of ITER.

RCC-MRx, developed especially for Sodium Fast Reactors (SFR), Research Reactors (RR) and Fusion Reactors (FR-ITER) can also be used for components of other types of nuclear facilities (except PWR). It has been consider for instance in the frame of the CEN-Workshop (CEN-WS-MRx) in order to develop, on its basis, the European code for the design and fabrication of mechanical equipments for ESNII innovative nuclear installations.

The main objective of the RCC-MRx is to capitalize the technical feedback of projects such as SUPERPHENIX, JHR, but also to meet the needs of MYRRHA, PFBR and ASTRID projects and to prepare the design and construction of ALFRED and ALLEGRO. This paper presents the technical evolutions in the 2012 edition and the AFCEN organization dedicated to work in an international frame.

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