The paper covers the general approach followed by AFCEN, the French Society for Design, Construction and In-Service Inspection Rules for Nuclear Island Components, in codes and standards, from the technical and organizational points of views. The RCC-M code is the major reference code in existence since the creation of AFCEN.

The presentation highlights how the industrial experience is currently integrated into the industrial codes, and how codes evolve taking into account the enlargement of AFCEN, new AFCEN organization rules, international environment, and international best practices. Processes for updates, interpretations and inquiries are addressed.

New 2012 Edition of the Code integrates addenda 2011, 2010, 2009 and 2008 of 2007 Edition. Modification sheets of Addenda 2011 are detailed, in particular because this addendum will not be published, and will be directly integrated in 2012 Edition. Future evolutions are also addressed, giving the frame for the objective of new RCC-M addenda in 2013.

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