This paper proposes a method to determine the elastic follow-up factors for C(t)-integral under secondary stress. The rate of creep crack growth for transient creep is correlated with C(t)-integral. The elastic follow-up behaviour, which occurs in structures under secondary loading, prevents a relaxation of stress during transient creep. Thus, both the value of C(t) and creep crack growth increase with an increasing elastic follow-up. An estimation solution for C(t) has been proposed by Ainsworth and Dean based on the reference stress method. In order to predict the value of C(t) using this solution, an independent method to determine the elastic follow-up factors for cracked bodies is required. This paper proposes that the elastic follow-up factors for C(t) can be determined by elastic-plastic analyses by using the plastic-creep analogy. Finite element analyses have been performed to verify this method.
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ASME 2012 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference
July 15–19, 2012
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Conference Sponsors:
- Pressure Vessels and Piping Division
Elastic Follow-Up Factors to Estimate C(t) Under Secondary Loading
Robert A. Ainsworth,
Robert A. Ainsworth
University of Manchester, Manchester, UK
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David Dean
David Dean
EDF Energy, Barnwood, Gloucester, UK
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Kuk-Hee Lee
Korea University, Seoul, Korea
Yun-Jae Kim
Korea University, Seoul, Korea
Robert A. Ainsworth
University of Manchester, Manchester, UK
David Dean
EDF Energy, Barnwood, Gloucester, UK
Paper No:
PVP2012-78454, pp. 241-247; 7 pages
Published Online:
August 8, 2013
Lee, K, Kim, Y, Ainsworth, RA, & Dean, D. "Elastic Follow-Up Factors to Estimate C(t) Under Secondary Loading." Proceedings of the ASME 2012 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. Volume 1: Codes and Standards. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. July 15–19, 2012. pp. 241-247. ASME.
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