Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) presents a possible approach to measuring two-phase flow parameters over a large area, leading to a snap shot of flow behavior in complex geometries such as tube bundles. Tests have been conducted in a 2m long wavy wall channel simulating the open lane within a rotated triangular array. The results show that liquid phase PIV measurements must be limited to very low void fractions. On the other hand, much information can be gained from the gas phase data. The details of the flow structure within the array are revealed. Current measurements, performed in the bubbly flow regime, show that even in this regime, the flow structure is significantly non-uniform and complex. Bubble diameters have been found to be strongly dependent on flow velocity; the effect of turbulence shear at high flow rates breaking up the bubbles to smaller sizes. The PIV measurements yield the complete averaged velocity vector field in the measurement region. The velocity profiles across the measurement section are also obtained. The non-uniform profiles show the challenges associated with attempts to estimate average void fractions and slip ratios in the array.

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