The SMART (System-integrated Modular Advanced ReacTor) is small sized integral type pressurized water reactor designed by KAERI (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute), Korea. But, shape of steam generator (SG) in SMART plant differs from those in operated nuclear power plants (NPPs). Especially, SG tubes in SAMRT plant is helical type with around 600 mm of innermost diameter and thickness of 2.5 mm which is thicker than general NPPs one. For providing integrity of SG tube in SMART plant, new types of ECT method are needed because eddy current testing (ECT) is one of widely adopted method for inspection of SG tubes in NPPs. Therefore, in this study, we investigate optimal conditions or parameters for detecting and evaluating of flaws in the SG tubes in SMART plant by simulation of ECT signals with various testing condition or parameter such as frequency, coil gap and etc. From the simulated ECT signals optimal eddy current test condition or parameters are proposed.

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