VERLIFE – “Unified Procedure for Lifetime Assessment of Components and Piping in WWER NPPs during Operation” was developed within the 5th Framework Programme of the European Union in 2003 and later upgraded within the 6th Framework Programme “COVERS – Safety of WWER NPPs” of the European Union in 2008. This Procedure has to fill the gap in original Soviet/Russian Codes and Rules for WWER type NPPs, as these codes were developed only for design and manufacture and were not changed since their second edition in 1989. VERLIFE Procedure is based on these Russian codes but incorporates also new developments in research, mainly in fracture mechanics, and also some principal approaches used in PWR codes. To assure that VERLIFE Procedure will remain a living document, new 3-year IAEA project (in close cooperation with the another project 6th Framework Programme of the European Union “NULIFE – Plant Life Management of NPPs”) has started in 2009. Within this project, upgrading/updating of the VERLIFE procedure is prepared together with the extension by (at least) following procedures: - Leak-before-break concept for WWER NPPs; - No-Break-Area Assessment Procedure for WWER Piping; - Lifetime of reactor pressure vessel internals; - Probabilistic approach for failure and lifetime assessment of WWER reactor pressure vessels and primary piping (including Risk-informed ISI); - Qualification of NDT procedures; - Supports of components and piping; - Monitoring and evaluation of erosion-corrosion damage in piping. Final document, after its approval by expert groups of the IAEA and NULIFE, will be issued as “IAEA/NULIFE Guidelines for Integrity and Lifetime Assessment of Components and Piping in WWER NPPs”. The paper will describe these main principles and also future plans.

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