Although the design and applications of linear tuned mass damper (TMD) systems are well developed, nonlinear TMD systems are still developing. In this paper, the application of multiple semi-active friction tuned mass dampers (SAF-MTMD) for response control of a multistory structure under seismic excitation is investigated. The friction forces of the SAF-MTMD are controllable. A non-sticking friction (NSF) controller, which is able to keep each of the TMD activated and in its slip state throughout an earthquake with arbitrary intensity, was conducted. A parametric study is performed to investigate the effectiveness of SAF-MTMD. The seismic performance of the SAF-MTMD is also compared with the single and multiple passive friction tuned mass dampers (PF-TMD/PF-MTMD). The numerical result shows that the SAF-MTMD is superior to PF-MTMD in reducing the response of the primary structure under the seismic excitation.

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