In a previous paper the authors proposed a semi-active vibration control device (VCD) that generates power. The device utilizes a ball screw, and has inertial and damping forces. The damping coefficient is adjusted by altering resistance at the terminal of the power generator. A small-scale VCD was manufactured for experimental testing. Frequency responses of a small-scale spring mass structure were measured in order to confirm the effects of vibration suppression within a wide range of frequencies. In this paper, as the next step, vibration tests using a benchmark structure with an installed VCD that has a 30 kN capacity are carried out at the National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE) in Taiwan. The benchmark structure has three stories with a 3 m height and a mass of 6 tons at each floor level for a total height and weight of 9 m and 18 tons, respectively. The VCDs are installed between adjacent floors with steel chevron braces. A simple control law that is based on a minimized Lyapunov function and employs bang-bang operation is used as a variable current controller instead of the modifying the resistance level of the VCD. Scaled earthquake motions including the Imperial Valley El Centro north-south component that is normalized to be a peak level of 0.5 m/s2, are applied to the base of the steel framed structure in the horizontal direction by a shaking table. Experimental responses of each floor for the uncontrolled and controlled cases are compared with analytical responses, and effects of vibration suppression for the large-scale model are discussed quantitatively.

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