CANDU® reactor uses Zr-2.5Nb alloy pressure tubes as the primary coolant containment. Fracture toughness properties of the pressure tubes are required for evaluation of fracture initiation and leak-before-break. This paper presents an experimental study on the effects of hydride morphology and test temperature on axial fracture toughness of a cold-worked, unirradiated Zr-2.5Nb pressure tube. Compact tension specimens were prepared from one tube section which contained as-received hydrogen concentration and another section which was electrolytically hydrided to 70 ppm hydrogen. Reoriented hydrides were formed in the hydrided tube section in ten thermal cycles under an applied tensile hoop stress of 160 MPa. The hydride morphologies were characterized by a parameter referred to as the hydride continuity coefficient (HCC), which provided a measure of the extent to which the hydrides were reoriented with respect to the applied stress direction. Partially reoriented hydrides with HCC between 0.3–0.4 were formed under the stress and temperature cycles used to precipitate the hydrides. J-R curves were generated to characterize the fracture behavior of the specimens tested at five different temperatures: 25°C (room temperature), 100°C, 150°C, 200°C and 250°C. Test results indicate that, for the as-received specimens, the fracture toughness is relatively high at room temperature and not significantly affected by the test temperature between room temperature and 250°C. For the 70 ppm hydrided specimens containing partially reoriented hydrides, the fracture toughness is significantly lower than that of the as-received specimens at room temperature. At 100°C, the fracture toughness is higher than that at room temperature but the average value is still lower than that of the as-received specimens. The specimens exhibit either brittle or ductile fracture behavior with a sharp transition to an upper-shelf toughness value. At 150°C, the specimens achieve an upper-shelf toughness level. Between 150°C and 250°C, the fracture toughness is similar to that of the as-received specimens and not affected by the reoriented hydrides.

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