This paper describes the design optimisation of an SA508 ferritic steel ring weld specimen using FE modelling techniques. The aim was to experimentally and analytically study the effect of post weld heat treatment upon a triaxial residual stress field. Welding highly constrained geometries, such as those found in some pressure vessel joints, can lead to the formation of highly triaxial stress fields. It is thought that application of post weld heat treatments will not fully relax hydrostatic stress fields. Therefore a ferritic multi-pass ring weld specimen was designed and optimised, using 2D finite element modelling, to generate a high magnitude triaxial stress field. The specimen thickness and weld-prep geometry was optimised to produce a large hydrostatic stress field and still allow efficient use of neutron diffraction to measure the residual stress. This paper reports the development of the test specimen geometry and compares the results of welding FE analysis and neutron diffraction measurements. Welding residual stresses were experimentally determined using neutron diffraction; both before post weld heat treatment. Three dimensional moving heat source weld finite element modelling has been used to predict the residual stresses generated by the welding process used. Finite element modelling examined the effect of phase transformation upon the residual stress field produced by welding. The relaxation of welding stresses by creep during post weld heat treatment has also been modelled. Comparisons between the modelled and measured as-welded residual stress profiles are presented. This work allows discussion of the effect of post weld heat treatment of triaxial stress fields and determines if finite element modelling is capable of correctly predicting the stress relaxation.
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ASME 2009 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference
July 26–30, 2009
Prague, Czech Republic
Conference Sponsors:
- Pressure Vessels and Piping
Design Optimisation of a Ferritic Ring Weld Specimen Using FE Modelling
Christopher M. Gill,
Christopher M. Gill
Rolls-Royce PLC, Derby, UK
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John Francis,
John Francis
Manchester University, Manchester, UK
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Mark Turski
Mark Turski
Manchester University, Manchester, UK
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Christopher M. Gill
Rolls-Royce PLC, Derby, UK
Paul Hurrell
Rolls-Royce PLC, Derby, UK
John Francis
Manchester University, Manchester, UK
Mark Turski
Manchester University, Manchester, UK
Paper No:
PVP2009-77155, pp. 265-275; 11 pages
Published Online:
July 9, 2010
Gill, CM, Hurrell, P, Francis, J, & Turski, M. "Design Optimisation of a Ferritic Ring Weld Specimen Using FE Modelling." Proceedings of the ASME 2009 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. Volume 6: Materials and Fabrication, Parts A and B. Prague, Czech Republic. July 26–30, 2009. pp. 265-275. ASME.
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