Shock waves when propagate through materials produce sudden changes of pressure and temperature which result in the production of new phases/transformations. This paper describes the experimental work for the shock synthesis of IN 718 with unique properties and characterization of its pre and post shock compacts by spectroscopic methods. Super alloy powders of IN 718 of various chemical compositions and unique physical properties have been shock compressed to develop a new technology. From the spectroscopic records, intensity of reflected beam at a particular angle, the spacing between parallel planes, the lattice constant, the radius of an atom, FWHM value for each peak, etc. have been analyzed to investigate the unique properties of shock compacts. No porosity has been observed in the shock compacted specimens. On retrieval of samples from the compaction systems, the specimens are subjected to chemical composition, stress analysis and various other spectroscopic studies. The dendritic structure has been clearly observed in the centre with dendrites oriented in the radial direction which also happens to be the direction of heat flow. SEM analysis has indicated that the crystalline structure is intact in the shock compressed specimens.

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