The experiments of mixed Mode I-II fatigue crack growth with altering loading direction were conducted with compact specimens made of 16MnR steel. The specimens were tested under three loading steps. When the crack reached a certain length in the first step, the loading direction was switched to a certain angle. Finally, the loading direction was returned to the original orientation. The crack grow direction had a tendency perpendicular to the loading axis. Right after the loading direction was changed, the crack growth rate was retarded. A new approach developed was used to predict the crack growth behavior. The elastic-plastic stress analysis was performed using the finite element method with the implementation of a cyclic plasticity model. Based on the stress-strain response, fatigue damage near the crack tip was determined by a multi-axial fatigue criterion. Both the crack growth rate and cracking direction were obtained according to the maximum fatigue damage distribution on the critical material plane. The predictions for the crack growth behavior including the crack growth rate and crack growth path were in agreement with the experimental data.

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