In this paper, cyclic plastic behaviors of pressure-sensitive materials based on an anisotropic hardening rule with two non-associated flow rules are examined. The Drucker-Prager pressure-sensitive yield function and the Mises plastic potential function are adopted to explore the cyclic plastic behaviors of pressure-sensitive materials or strength-differential materials. The constitutive relations are formulated for the initial loading and unloading/reloading processes based on the anisotropic hardening rule of Choi and Pan [1]. Non-associated flow rules are employed to derive closed-form stress-plastic strain relations under uniaxial cyclic loading conditions. The stress-plastic strain curves based on a conventional non-associated flow rule do not close, and show a significant ratcheting under uniaxial cyclic loading conditions. A new non-conventional non-associated flow rule is then formulated based on observed nearly closed hysteresis loops of pressure-sensitive materials. The stress-plastic strain curves based on the non-conventional non-associated flow rule show closed hysteresis loops under uniaxial cyclic loading conditions. The results indicate that the anisotropic hardening rule with the non-conventional non-associated flow rule describes well the strength-differential effect and the asymmetric closed hysteresis loops as observed in the uniaxial cyclic loading tests of pressure-sensitive materials.

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