Thermal loading conditions of nuclear power plant components cause local stress-strain hystereses. For the fatigue life prediction of nuclear power plant components under thermal cyclic and structural loading a new method based on the local strain approach is to be presented. This method involves finite-element simulations as well as the experience gathered from lifetime assessment methods based on short crack models. The local stresses and strains are obtained from coupled-field FE-analyses. The calculation of the hysteresis-loops relies on appropriate material models and experimentally verified temperature-dependent material parameters in order to describe the elasto-plastic behavior of the material as realistically as necessary. Due to the temperature dependence of the material parameters the resulting hysteresis loops are of non-conventional shapes and similar to those observed under multiaxial nonproportional structural loading. Hence, fatigue methodologies developed for non-proportional loading conditions during the past years bear good prospects for successful application under non-isothermal loading conditions.

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