It is well known that residual stress of welded joints influence their fatigue lives. This influence of residual stress is manifested through strain ratcheting response at the weld toe. Among many other reasons, strain ratcheting at the weld toe is anticipated to be a reason of many premature fatigue failure of welded joints. Hence, accurate simulations of weld toe residual stress and strain responses are essential for fatigue life simulation of welded joints. This paper presents results form an ongoing study on fatigue failure of welded piping joints. A modeling scheme for simulating weld toe residual stress and strain response is developed. Uncoupled, thermo-mechanical, finite element analyses are employed for imitating the welding procedure, and thereby simulating the temperature history during welding and initial residual stresses. Simulated residual stresses are validated by comparing against the measured residual stresses. Finite element simulations indicate that both residual stress and resulting strain responses near the weld toe are the key factors in inducing fatigue cracks at the weld toe. Research needs in revealing the fatigue failure mechanisms at the weld toe are discussed.

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