Since 2002, Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization (JNES) has been carrying out seismic capacity tests for several types of equipment which significantly contribute to core damage frequency. The primary purpose of this study is to acquire the seismic capacity data of thin walled cylindrical liquid storage tanks in nuclear power plants and to establish an evaluation procedure of the ultimate strength. As for the refueling water storage tank and the condensate storage tank which are used in PWR plants, elephant-foot bugle (EFB) is the typical buckling behavior of those tanks and the primary failure mode to be focused on. In the study, dynamic buckling tests were performed using scaled models of tanks. The input seismic acceleration was increased until the tanks reached the ultimate state at which internal water leaked from a crack on the sidewall. In addition, static buckling tests were performed in order to compare to the dynamic buckling tests and numerical simulation results. In the dynamic and static buckling tests, EFB occurred and internal water leaked at the EFB cross-section. Incremental deformation growth observed in the static buckling test was simulated by FEM, and analysis results showed a practically sufficient consistency in terms of out-of-plane displacement and local strain.
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ASME 2008 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference
July 27–31, 2008
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Conference Sponsors:
- Pressure Vessels and Piping
The Ultimate Strength of Cylindrical Liquid Storage Tanks Under Earthquakes: Seismic Capacity Test of Tanks Used in PWR Plants — Part 1, Evaluation Method Verification Test
Toru Iijima,
Toru Iijima
Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization (JNES), Tokyo, Japan
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Kenichi Suzuki,
Kenichi Suzuki
Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization (JNES), Tokyo, Japan
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Hideyuki Morita,
Hideyuki Morita
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Hyogo, Japan
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Shinsuke Murakami,
Shinsuke Murakami
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Nagasaki, Japan
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Koichi Tai
Koichi Tai
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Hyogo, Japan
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Toru Iijima
Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization (JNES), Tokyo, Japan
Kenichi Suzuki
Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization (JNES), Tokyo, Japan
Hideyuki Morita
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Hyogo, Japan
Shinsuke Murakami
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Nagasaki, Japan
Koichi Tai
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Hyogo, Japan
Paper No:
PVP2008-61305, pp. 325-331; 7 pages
Published Online:
July 24, 2009
Iijima, T, Suzuki, K, Morita, H, Murakami, S, & Tai, K. "The Ultimate Strength of Cylindrical Liquid Storage Tanks Under Earthquakes: Seismic Capacity Test of Tanks Used in PWR Plants — Part 1, Evaluation Method Verification Test." Proceedings of the ASME 2008 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. Volume 8: Seismic Engineering. Chicago, Illinois, USA. July 27–31, 2008. pp. 325-331. ASME.
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