In order to promote seismic resistance capability of structures and simplify the manufacturing processes of an isolator, a new base isolation system called the multiple trench friction pendulum system (MTFPS) is proposed. The investigations for the proposed isolator have been carried out to address its mechanical characteristics and to assess its performance in seismic mitigation through a series of shaking table tests in this study. The MTFPS isolator can provide different natural periods, displacement capacities and damping effects in any two independent directions. The natural period and damping effect for a MTFPS isolator change continually during earthquakes. Results from the shaking table tests on a scaled three-story structure isolated with MTFPS isolators illustrate that the proposed MTFPS isolator can isolate most earthquake induced energy and provide good protection for structures from earthquake damage. In addition, the mathematical formulations for the MTFPS isolator have also been derived to examine its characteristics.

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