The present paper is the sequel of a previously published study which is concerned with the numerical simulation of vortex-induced-vibration (VIV) on an elastically supported rigid circular cylinder in a fluid cross-flow (A. Placzek, J.F. Sigrist, A. Hamdouni; Numerical Simulation of Vortex Shedding Past a Circular Cylinder at Low Reynolds Number with Finite Volume Technique. Part I: Forced Oscillations, Part II: Flow Induced Vibrations; Pressure Vessel and Piping, San Antonio, 22–26 July 2007). Such a problem has been thoroughly studied over the past years, both from the experimental and numerical points of view, because of its theoretical and practical interest in the understanding on flow-induced vibration problems. In this context, the present paper aims at exposing a numerical study based on a fully coupled fluid-structure simulation. The numerical technique is based on a finite volume discretisation of the fluid flow equations together with i) a re-meshing algorithm to account for the cylinder motion ii) a projection subroutine to compute the forces induced by the fluid on the cylinder and iii) a coupling procedure to describe the energy exchanges between the fluid flow and solid motion. The study is restricted to moderate Reynolds numbers (Re∼2.000–10.000) and is performed with an industrial CFD code. Numerical results are compared with existing literature on the subject, both in terms of cylinder amplitude motion and fluid vortex shedding modes. Ongoing numerical studies with different numerical techniques, such as ROM (Reduced Order Models)-based methods, will complete the approach and will be published in next PVP conference. These numerical simulations are proposed for code validation purposes prior to industrial applications in tube bundle configuration.

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