Creep-fatigue testing of nickel alloy 617 base metal and fusion weldments was performed at temperatures of 800 and 1000°C in air in support of ASME BPV Sec III code qualification of alloy 617 for the Next-Generation Nuclear Plant. Cyclic loading was performed in strain control with a trapezoidal waveform and was fully reversed. Creep was introduced into the fatigue cycle by a hold period at maximum tensile strain which varied from 18 to 9000 seconds. Base metal specimens were machined from 20 mm thick rolled plate; weldment specimens were machined from GTAW butt-welded plate such that the loading direction was oriented transverse to the welding direction. Weld metal, heat-affected zone, and base metal were present in the reduced section of weldment specimens. Creep-fatigue lives decreased with increasing hold time for both base metal and weldments; lives of weldments were reduced relative to those of base metal. Creep-fatigue cracking in weldment specimens initiated in the weld metal.

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