Recent boilers for thermal power generation are designed for higher temperature and pressure than in the past, and substantial efforts are being made worldwide to establish technology for ultra super critical power plants. Such boilers will require the use of steels having higher strength and better corrosion resistance than conventional 18-8 austenitic stainless steels. High chromium austenitic stainless steel (22Cr-15Ni-Nb-N) has been developed as a candidate material, and creep rupture strength is more than 50% higher than ASME SA-213 Grade TP347H at 700°C. The hot corrosion and steam oxidation resistance of this steel are also superior to 18-8 stainless steels due to higher Cr content. Thirteen years practical service as superheater tubing in a power plant characterized by high pressure (35MPa) and high temperature (615&°C) has revealed that the mechanical properties and environmental resistance of this steel are sufficient for high temperature boiler tube applications.

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