Wall thinning caused by the flow of water in power piping systems became a major concern to the nuclear power industries. ASME Code Case N-597-3, “Requirements for Analytical Evaluation of Pipe Wall Thinning,” provides procedures and criteria for Code Class 2 and 3 piping for the evaluation of wall thinning. However, analytical evaluation procedure for Class 1 piping is not provideed in the Code Case. Recent full-scale experiments on locally thinned pipes have supported the development of more contemporary failure strength evaluation methodology for Class 1 piping. These evaluation methodologies are applicable for the loading type of bending, tensile or cyclic bending load. Prior to the failure by bending moment, tensile load or cyclic/seismic load, locally wall thinned pipes shall be considered pressure blow out by the internal pressure itself. This paper introduces the failure of a uniformly thinned cylinder by an internal pressure and describes limitation on wall thinning depth to avoid pressure blow out for Class 1 piping.

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