Leakage was found in a Reactor Vessel (RV) Head Penetration of Ohi unit 3 of the Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc. in May 4, 2004. Non-destructive examinations identified flaws in a J-weld portion of the Head Penetration. The J-weld portion was repaired by using Embedded Flaw Repair Technique [1] that performs welding of 52 weld metal on the J-weld surface remaining the flaws. In order to show the structural integrity of the J-weld portion, a fracture mechanics evaluation was performed in accordance with the Rules on Fitness-for-Service for Nuclear Power Plants of the JSME Codes for Nuclear Power Generation Facilities, JSME S NA1-2002 [2] (hereafter, the JSME Fitness-for-Service Rules) and literatures related. The flaw was characterized as both case of an embedded flaw and a surface flaw and KI for each flaw was directly calculated by using FE analysis. Fatigue crack growth analysis using KI calculated showed the amount of the crack growth was quite small. The fracture mechanics evaluation followed confirmed that the result satisfied the criteria. This paper explains the method and results for evaluation of the structural integrity of the J-weld portion.

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