Corrosion directly affects our lives by reducing the integrity of possessions. All pipelines, even the best designed and maintained, deteriorate with time. The primary cause of this deterioration is corrosion. Corrosion in metal can be compared to cancer in human body. Both act very slowly without being easily visible and by the time one notices it, serious damage has been done. Owing to corrosion, billions of dollars are wasted in various industries, refineries, petrochemical plants and various underground pipelines and structures in the field of oil, gas, water etc. For the safety and integrity of underground pipelines it is imperative to adopt various methods of corrosion prevention to retard corrosion and thus increase the active working life of pipelines. This paper provides information about various types of corrosion and methods of both inline and outer surface corrosion inspection and monitoring. It also discusses means of pipeline protection, corrosion control and rehabilitation.

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