The work is developed within the general frame of marine structure design. The study presents a numerical investigation of the hydro elastic behaviour of a deformable lifting body in a uniform steady flow. The fluid is considered as inviscid. The structure problem is solved by a finite element method and the flow problem is solved by a finite volume method using two commercial codes. Both problems are coupled through an iterative algorithm based on the exchange of boundary conditions at the flow-structure interface. The study is conducted on a cambered rectangular hydrofoil mounted in a hydrodynamic tunnel simulating the experiment that is currently performed in our laboratory. Results obtained from the fluid-structure computations including the deformation together with the hydrodynamic coefficients are presented. The influence of the fluid-structure coupling has been highlighted through comparisons with “non-coupled” simulations. Depending on the flow conditions, the twist of the hydrofoil together with the hydrodynamic loading are observed through the coupled simulation.

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