In recent years, the importance of the fracturing test using the full-scale model is recognized in order to upgrade an earthquake resistant design. It is, moreover, important to develop a new measurement method which can measure a complex three-dimensional behaviour in such fracturing test. This study has been doing research and development of three-dimensional measurement method using an image processing technique for a measurement of dynamic displacement in shake table test without any contact. This measurement system is a very convenient system because it can measure the three-dimensional dynamic displacement in the simple experimental condition that the several makers are only attached to the surface of an experimental structure. The system therefore is the most suitable measurement system for an evaluation of complex 3-dimensional behavior of test model. Fundamental hardware and software for the measurement system has been constructed until now. The fundamental dynamic measurement accuracy and effectiveness of the measurement system has been also confirmed from several shake table tests. This paper describes the examination of the upgrading for the measurement accuracy in actual fracturing test. Moreover, the shake table test results using actual wooden house model were also indicated.

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