In general, benefits from adopting a risk-based inspection and maintenance (RBM) strategy for power generation plant may accrue from the following: • Increased plant reliability/availability leading to a reduction in unit operating cost and increased competitiveness. • Reduced cost exposure to future failure of equipment. • Reduced inspection and maintenance expenditure. • Justification for extended run periods between statutory inspections of plant. The particular benefit(s) derived depend primarily on the extent and appropriateness of the maintenance and inspection programs carried out previously. AEA Technology has developed a practical methodology and associated software for RBM planning of power generating plant. In conjunction with our clients, we have conducted numerous studies over the past five years covering a wide range of equipment. This paper briefly describes the RBM planning methodology and software, and summarizes a series of Case Studies to demonstrate its generic applicability, practicability and benefits. The Case Studies address the following equipment: • A steam turbine. • Fired boilers. • Hydro turbines. • A heat recovery steam generator.

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