One of the requirements for license renewal for US nuclear plants stated in the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) regulations in the License Renewal Rule (LRR) 10CFR Part 54 (Ref. 1) is the identification and updating of Time-Limited Aging Analyses (TLAA). During the design phase for a plant, certain assumptions about the length of time the plant would be operated were made and incorporated into design calculations for several of the plant’s systems, structures and components (SSCs). Examples of TLAAs are analyses of metal fatigue, environmental qualification (EQ) of electric equipment, etc. For a renewed license, these calculations have to be reviewed to verify that they remain valid for the period of extended operation. However, the LRR does allow TLAA-associated aging effects to be managed by an aging management program. This paper discusses the USNRC regulatory requirements for TLAAs and the industry’s response for addressing the TLAAs. It also discusses the issues regarding the generic set of TLAAs that have been identified by the NRC in NUREG-1801 (Ref. 2), and how these have been addressed by all the plants that have received their renewed license. The paper also identifies certain plant specific TLAAs.

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