The approach used by the French utility, concerning the Aging Management system of the Steam Generators (SG) and Reactor Pressure Vessel Heads, applied on 58 PWR NPPs, involves the verification of the integrity of the component and the Life Management of each plant to guarantee in the first step the design life management and in the second step to prepare long term life time in operation, taking into account the degradation of Alloy 600 material and the replacement of these materials by components made with Alloy 690. The financial stakes associated with maintaining the lifetime of nuclear power stations are very high; thus, if their lifetime is shortened by about ten years, dismantling and renewal would be brought forward which would increase their costs by several tens of billions of Euros. The main objectives are: • to maintain current operating performances (safety, availability, costs, security, environment) in the long term, and possibly improve on some aspects; • wherever possible, to operate the units throughout their design lifetime, 40 years, and even more if possible. This paper shows the program to follow the aging evaluation with application of specific criteria for SG and for Vessel Heads, and the replacement of the Steam Generators and Vessel Heads at the best period. The strategy of Steam Generators Replacement are developed and Vessel Head program of monitoring and replacement are detailed.

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