Lifetime management of EDF PWR vessels and pipings are one of the main technical key points of safety and competitivness. This paper describes the EDF global approach in this field, which is applied to the nuclear fleet i.e 58 nuclear power plants, and particularly to the first 34 three loops, as far as lifetime is concerned: • operating procedures and routine maintenance, special maintenance and ten years safety reassessment, • engineering analysis, based on feed back experience, scientific knowledge, degradations mechanisms, causes and consequences management, • operating loadings decrease, • complementary deterministic and cost-benefit analysis, • fit for service justifications, • anticipation strategy to prepare future, based on Non Destructive Testing investigations, ability to repair and/or to replace components, in situ expertises, ... Some examples are given: lifetime management of reactor vessels heads and bottom penetrations of pressure vessels, fit for service of cast stainless steel primary pipings, primary nozzles and auxiliary pipings special maintenance.

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