If the hydrostatic tensile load is applied to a hyper-elastic material, the void initiates when the load exceeds the critical value. On the other hand, it is important to study multiple void growth phenomena, in order to consider the fracture by coalescence of voids. In this paper, we study the growth of multiple voids in the hyper-elastic material. The material is characterized by the energy function as the compressive material. Some experiments for the rubber, as a hyper-elastic material, are proceeded, in order to obtain these mechanical properties in the energy function. A square cell with some small voids is constructed and applied with tensile deformation by moving outer surface. The large deformation and the non-linear simulations are proceeded by using FEM. If there is only one seed, one void grows from the seed. However, when there are some seeds, we observed the void growing and the void vanishing by the influence from the other voids. The influence of the initial voids scale to the void growth is studied.
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ASME/JSME 2004 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference
July 25–29, 2004
San Diego, California, USA
Conference Sponsors:
- Pressure Vessels and Piping Division
Multiple Void Growth Simulations in the Hyper-Elastic Material
Tomoaki Tsuji
Tomoaki Tsuji
Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan
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Tomoaki Tsuji
Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan
Paper No:
PVP2004-2741, pp. 19-23; 5 pages
Published Online:
August 12, 2008
Tsuji, T. "Multiple Void Growth Simulations in the Hyper-Elastic Material." Proceedings of the ASME/JSME 2004 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. Computer Technology and Applications. San Diego, California, USA. July 25–29, 2004. pp. 19-23. ASME. https://doi.org/10.1115/PVP2004-2741
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