The Subgroup on Nuclear Materials of JSME (Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers) has been developed a new nuclear materials code for nuclear facilities. The current nuclear materials code was published as a part of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Code (METI) Notification No. 501 [1]. The new materials code shall come out as a separate publication. It shall publish in 2004. The new nuclear materials code contains 58 ferrous material specifications of Japanese Industry Standards (JIS), 15 nonferrous material specifications of JIS and 14 nuclear specified materials. The code has widely consistent with JIS such as JIS B8265 [2] and B8266 [3], JSME code such as the Rules on Design and Construction for Thermal Power Generation Facilities [4], and ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Section II [5]. This paper introduces outlines on the Rules on Nuclear Materials for Nuclear Facilities.

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