As one of the Codes for Nuclear Power Generation Facilities, “Rules on Protection Design against Postulated Pipe Rupture for Nuclear Power Plants (JSME S ND1-2002)” has been developed by the JSME Committee on Power Generation Facility Codes from October 2001 and published in December 2002. The code covers the design for protection against postulated pipe rupture in nuclear power plants and gives the basic plan of protection design, locations of postulated pipe rupture, methods of determining the rupture type and opening area, and a procedure for evaluating jet impingement phenomena. It is a special feature of the code that the LBB (Leak Before Break) concept is applied to the determination of the piping rupture type, which belongs to RCPB, or to the main steam and feed water system inside the PWR containment vessel. Types of piping material applicable to the LBB concept are austenitic stainless steel, carbon steel and low-alloy steel. Furthermore, the code provides the flow and the method of LBB evaluation. In this paper, we describe the major rules of the code, including an outline of LBB evaluation methods.

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