Calculations of residual stress fields, which arise after welding, cladding and tempering, were performed as applied to reactor pressure vessels (RPVs) of WWER types. These calculations are based on a procedure, which takes into account Feα↔Feγ transformation happening in base and weld metal under welding and cladding, and also creep during tempering. The procedure is based on solutions of the temperature and non-isothermal elasto-plastic problem with and without creep by the finite element method. On the basis of the performed investigation it is shown that Feα↔Feγ transformation may affect the residual stress distribution. An analysis of cases has been performed for which the above effect is strong and for which this effect may be ignored. On the basis of the calculation performed, an engineering procedure is proposed that allows to determine the residual stress fields in welds of the WWER-440 and WWER-1000 for various durations of post-weld tempering.

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