In recent year, it has been hoped to develop a device that generate high pressure in the field of the material consolidation. Therefore a phenomenon of over driven detonation (O.D.D.) [1] that was one of the detonation phenomenons has been researched. The detonation velocity and pressure that is higher than Chapman-Jouguet state generate in the state of O.D.D.. But, in the method of using the flyer plate that has been investigated, it is difficult to apply to the material consolidation since the region where O.D.D. phenomenon generates is very small. Therefore, as a new method of effectively generating O.D.D., the method of combining two kinds of the high explosives was developed. This method is a technique that is generated O.D.D. in the low velocity explosive by making a double cylindrical explosive of the high velocity explosive and low velocity explosive. The detonation pressure of low velocity explosive in a double cylinder was measured by Manganin gauge. The detonation pressure was 2.0 times over higher than the Chapman-Jouguet pressure.

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