A sterilization and a cell rupture using the shock wave generated by a wire explosion was tested and the effect of the impulsive load on the mortality of microorganism. This technique enables the sterilization of foods, juice or chemical agents without heating them. Microorganism cells were broken by shock waves and ultrasonic waves and different fracture patterns were shown in the SEM image. In the shock the efficiency was depended on the size of bacteria, although that was depended on the strength of the cell membrane in the ultrasonic. It was also found that the shock is effective for spores of bacteria that are superior to normal cells in the endurance and the resistibility. Numerical simulations demonstrated the size effect in the shock cell rupture.
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ASME 2003 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference
July 20–24, 2003
Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Conference Sponsors:
- Pressure Vessels and Piping Division
Cell Ruptures of Microorganisms by Shock Wave and Ultrasonic Wave
Kazuhito Fujiwara,
Kazuhito Fujiwara
Kumamoto University, Kumamoto City, Kumamoto, Japan
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Tetsuyuki Hiroe,
Tetsuyuki Hiroe
Kumamoto University, Kumamoto City, Kumamoto, Japan
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Makio Asakawa
Makio Asakawa
Kumamoto University, Kumamoto City, Kumamoto, Japan
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Kazuhito Fujiwara
Kumamoto University, Kumamoto City, Kumamoto, Japan
Tetsuyuki Hiroe
Kumamoto University, Kumamoto City, Kumamoto, Japan
Makio Asakawa
Kumamoto University, Kumamoto City, Kumamoto, Japan
Paper No:
PVP2003-1975, pp. 283-286; 4 pages
Published Online:
August 13, 2008
Fujiwara, K, Hiroe, T, & Asakawa, M. "Cell Ruptures of Microorganisms by Shock Wave and Ultrasonic Wave." Proceedings of the ASME 2003 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. Emerging Technology in Fluids, Structures, and Fluid Structure Interactions. Cleveland, Ohio, USA. July 20–24, 2003. pp. 283-286. ASME. https://doi.org/10.1115/PVP2003-1975
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