Automated ultrasonics is rapidly replacing radiography worldwide for gas pipeline girth weld inspections. Compared with radiography, mechanized ultrasonics is more reliable, faster, has better detection of critical Lack of Fusion defects, and poses no safety hazard. Phased arrays are the latest development in AUT, and present major improvements over conventional ultrasonics. Probe pans are lighter and smaller; scans are quicker due to the smaller probe pan; phased arrays are considerably more flexible for changes in pipe dimensions or weld profiles, and for different scan patterns for unusual defects; special scans can be made for specific problems. This paper describes the PipeWIZARD ultrasonic phased array system for girth weld inspections, based on the ASTM E-1961 code and compatible with API 1104 19th Edition. Some comments on AUT codes will be made. The paper will describe the latest phased array UT results, plus developments like automated set-ups and improved imaging using an increased number of zones. PipeWIZARD’s track record and capabilities will be illustrated.

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