The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code provides fracture toughness curves of ferritic pressure vessel steels that are indexed by a reference temperature for nil ductility transition (RTNDT). The ASME Code also prescribes how to determine RTNDT. The B&W Owners Group has reactor pressure vessels that were fabricated by Babcock & Wilcox using Linde 80 flux. These vessels have welds called Linde 80 welds. The RTNDT values of the Linde 80 welds are of great interest to the B&W Owners Group. These RTNDT values are used in compliance of the NRC regulations regarding the PTS screening criteria and plant pressure-temperature limits for operation of nuclear power plants. A generic RTNDT value for the Linde 80 welds as a group was established by the NRC, using an average of more than 70 RTNDT values. Emergence of the Master Curve method enabled the industry to revisit the validity issue surrounding RTNDT determination methods. T0 indicates that the dropweight test based TNDT is a better index than Charpy transition temperature based index, at least for the RTNDT of unirradiated Linde 80 welds. An alternative generic RTNDT is presented in this paper using the T0 data obtained by fracture toughness tests in the brittle-to-ductile transition temperature range, in accordance with the ASTM E1921 standard.

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