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Proceedings Papers

Volume 5: Operations, Applications, and Components; Seismic Engineering; Non-Destructive Examination

Front Matter

Operations, Applications, and Components

Monitoring, Diagnostics, and Inspection

Operation and Maintenance of Pressure Vessels, Heat Exchangers, Piping, and Supports

Plant Life Extension: Aging and Life Management

Qualification and Testing

Safety, Reliability, and Risk Management

Storage and Transportation of Radioactive and Other Hazardous Materials

Seismic Engineering

Advanced Seismic Evaluation and Code (Joint Session With C and S)

Damping and Vibration Control

Earthquake Resistance and Seismic Margin

Multi-Hazards and Margins

Seismic Evaluation of Systems, Structures, and Components

Structural Dynamics

Topics: Boilers

Non-Destructive Examination

Emerging NDE and Prognostic Techniques and Applications

NDE Techniques and Applications for Petrochemical and Power Plant Components

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