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Proceedings Papers

Volume 6: Materials and Fabrication, Parts A and B

Materials and Fabrication

Application of Fracture Mechanics in Failure Assessment

Materials for Hydrogen Service

Welding Residual Stress Simulation and Measurement

European Programs in Structural Integrity

Fitness for Service and Failure Assessment

Materials and Technologies Applicable to Nuclear Power Plants

Wall Thinning Caused by Flow Accelerated Corrosion

Mechanistic Modeling of Materials

Integrity Issues With Stress Corrosion Cracking

Pipeline Integrity

Small-Scale and Miniature Mechanical Testing

Leak Before Break

Plastic Pipe

Fatigue and Fracture of Welds and Heat Affected Zones

Creep and Creep-Fatigue Interaction

Creep and Creep-Fatigue Crack Growth

Material Property Databases

PVP In-Service Inspection (ISI) and Failure Event Databases: Key to Continued Safe and Profitable Operation of Aging and Next Generation Commercial Nuclear Power and Petro-Chemical Plants

Material Processing and Fabrication

Strain-Based Engineering Critical Assessments

Probabilistic Analysis of Fatigue and Fracture

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