The Kemper County Project has demonstrated Transport Integrated Gasification (TRIG™) at a 2-on-1 Integrated Gasification Combined-Cycle (IGCC) facility located in Kemper County, Mississippi. Kemper is the largest IGCC project in the world, the first to use lignite as fuel, the first to capture and sell CO2, and the first to produce multiple byproducts from initial startup. The facility features two Siemens SGT6-5000F gas turbines, each capable of operating on a high-hydrogen syngas produced in the Transport Gasifiers from locally mined lignite.
Using high-hydrogen syngas requires unique modifications to the combustion turbine design. Flame-diffusion combustors, rather than dry low-NOX designs, prevent flashback caused by the high hydrogen content of the syngas. Also, ports added to the turbine compressor casing allow air to be extracted from the compressor and used elsewhere in the plant, supplying up to one half of the air required by the gasifier.
The Kemper facility has achieved the integrated operation of both gasifiers, including the production of electricity from syngas by both combustion turbines. Turbine operation on the high hydrogen syngas was smooth both during normal operations and during transitions, with efficiencies meeting or exceeding expectations. This paper describes the Kemper plant design, focusing on the combustion turbine design unique to Kemper. The paper also discusses turbine design challenges specific to Kemper, provides an overview of the robust control scheme used on both syngas and natural gas co-firing operations, and provides preliminary operational and performance results, including inspection findings.